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Fat Freeze Review

The day I had my fat frozen!

Treatment date: 22nd February 2017

I remember way back in my 20’s when I used to eat and drink what I wanted, I barely did any exercise yet I still managed to look skinny.  But then I turned 30 and it all started going downhill! I had to pay more attention to what I ate and exercised a lot more, otherwise I am sure I’d have ballooned.

Having a baby at 35 also did not do my figure any good, and now like a lot of ladies that I know, I’ve been left with a ‘mummy belly’ – a bit of my ‘bump’ that never went away!  And since I’ve aged even more (I hit the big 40 last year), I’ve found that not even working out 5 days a week has helped to shift the paunch.  So, when I was told about a treatment called fat freezing, that could help me lose my mummy belly for good – I jumped at the chance. 

So off I tootled on down to Ambertone Health & Cosmetic Clinic in Fishponds, Bristol.  Upon arrival at their newly refurbished salon (which is conveniently located along the Fishponds Road and serviced by public transport), I was greeted by Louise (who is the daughter of Jackie, who owns the salon).  Her warm smile welcomed me in, and she took my coat and offered me a drink.  I was then led into one of Ambertone’s relaxing treatment rooms, where Jackie was waiting for me.  She asked me to take a seat and then explained that she would need to carry out a full consultation with me, to make sure that I was fit and healthy and to make sure that the treatment was the right one for me.

 After the consultation, Jackie explained what fat freezing is all about.  She explained that this is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment which is also known as the most effective non-surgical fat loss solution.  It is used on stubborn fatty areas of the body that will not go away, no matter how many times you diet or hit the gym.  She continued by saying that it safely targets the fat cells underneath the skin, and the treated fat cells are frozen and then die.  The dead fat is then naturally removed by your body, and the results can be seen as quickly as 3-4 weeks after the treatment.  And, one of the best things about this treatment is that there is no down-time at all, so you can go back to your daily activities straightaway.  

So, for the treatment to begin and time for the ‘mummy belly’ to go!

Jackie explains that she begins the treatment by measuring the area or areas of fat to be treated and then I will measure myself in 3 weeks’ time, to see the results.

You can see that I am measuring the bottom part of my belly which is the ‘fattest’ part and the most stubborn -  33” – yuck!

I then laid myself on the extremely comfortable couch, and then Jackie warned me that she was about to place some cold silicone gel and a sheet of jelly-like paper on top of my tummy.  After this was done she got out the Aegis Crylolysis machine (aka fat freeze) which has what looks like a large square suction cup attached to the end, and put it onto the bottom of my abdomen which was the targeted area to be treated.  I started to feel some mild tugging as the machine went to town on my fat.  Jackie then explained that it would start to feel very cold, almost ice cold, as the machine started to freeze my fat cells.  She wasn’t wrong; it was like she had put a sheet of ice on top of my belly, but it felt nice in a weird kind of way.  I was then left to relax and collect my thoughts for around an hour.  I know that an hour may sound like a long time to be left on your own, but how often do you get that time to yourself?  And besides, Ambertone has just recently completed a total refurbishment of their salon, where they spared no expense to make it comfortable, warm and inviting - so it was sheer bliss.   In fact, I was in such a relaxed state of mind that I didn’t even hear Jackie come back into the room to tell me that the treatment time was up! 

The fat freeze machine was then taken off very carefully by Jackie and she asked me to touch my tummy.  It was ICE cold!  I don’t know why I was so surprised, after all the name of the treatment ‘Fat Freeze’ kind of gives it away.  Jackie told me not to worry and that my tummy would return to normal within about 1-2 hours.  She then gave me an aftercare leaflet and said that for the best results, to follow it to the T.  The most important things for me to do in the next 48 hours were; drink water like it was going out of fashion, not to drink alcohol and avoid foods like curry or cream, as the body has difficulty in breaking these down. 

 And now for the bit you’ve all been waiting for…….

My tummy was 33 inches before the treatment and now......I'm measuring in at 31 inches.  That means that I have lost 2 inches! 

Wow – I’m impressed.  Fat Freezing is not like other inch-loss treatments, where you only lose water and the weight goes back on once you start eating again.  This fat has gone…forever!  So, my thoughts on fat freezing are that it’s a totally awesome treatment, that is pain-free, affordable and has amazing results. 

If you are interested in booking in for Fat Freezing yourself, or if you would like some more information, then give Ambertone a call on 0117 9584039/07483111203 or you can take a look at our website here: 

Ambertone Health and Cosmetic Clinic, 617 Fishponds Road, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 3BA.