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Radio Frequency Facials

The non-surgical face lift

Radio Frequency Facials

What is Radio Frequency?

Radio frequency  is a proven and safe treatment that improves skin tone and texture, providing a rejuvenation effect, that:

  • Stimulates and increases natural collagen production
  • Reduces fine lines
  • Reduces cellulite
  • Improves skin tone and texture
  • Improves blood and lymphatic flow
  • Improves acne
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • Breaks down fat
  • It is very good at reducing fatty deposits under the chin and other stubborn areas all over the face and body 
  • We also offer Radio Frequency therapy for the body.  Please click here for more information and our prices. 

How does it work?

Radio frequency energy is a form of radio waves which when delivered at a frequency, causes gentle heating in the skin, without any burning. This causes:

  • Tissue retraction as collagen fibres contract
  • Collagen formation
  • Improved circulation

How long will each session take?

The entire Radio Frequency method process can take between half an hour to two hours.  

When will I start to see results? 

You will start to see the full affects of the Radio Frequency method procedure about three to six months after your first treatment.  The Radio Frequency method process helps to firm the face, especially along the jowls and upper neck, and tighten the eyes, reducing creeping of the skin and hooding, and cuts down on the under eye bagginess. The Radio Frequency method results usually last for around two years; but this can depend on several factors including; the area of the body being treated, age, physical condition, how much sun exposure you have had, if you smoke, and your weight.  This will be full discussed with your therapist. 

Are there any side effects?

Side effects of the Radio Frequency method are virtually zero, however you may notice some slight redness, or small swelling or bumps at the treatment area, but these should not last more than a few days.  

We also perform Radio Frequency treatments for the body.  Please click here for more information on the types of treatment we offer and our prices.