The Radio Frequency (RF) method tightens areas made saggy by weight loss and pregnancy, and can reduce cellulite. In general, it tightens and lifts the body, reduces areas of the body, and flattens and smoothes the skin, gets rid of dimples, and helps with the skin’s texture.
Your fully-qualified therapist will work out a plan with you, so as to target your problematic areas to get the best possible results.
The Radio Frequency method uses radio waves that causes gentle heating in the skin, without any burning. Radio Frequency is a proven and safe treatment that improves skin tone and texture, providing a rejuvenation affect, that:
The entire Radio Frequency method process can take between a half hour to two hours. Our fully-trained therapists will discuss this with you in more detail.
You will start to see the full affects of the Radio Frequency method procedure about three to six months after your first treatment. The Radio Frequency method results usually last for around two years; however, this can vary to as little as six months, or much longer. Several factors control this: your age, physical condition, how much sun exposure you have had, if you smoke, your weight, and what area of the body is being treated. Your fully-qualified therapist will discuss this with you in more detail and is happy to answer any questions that you might have.
Side effects of the Radio Frequency method are virtually zero, however you may notice some slight redness, or small swelling or bumps at the treatment area, but these should not last more than a few days.