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Frequently asked questions

We understand that you may have some questions to ask us about this treatment, so please read further for answers to our Frequently Asked Questions. 

If you do have any further questions, then please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you.

What is Semi-Permanent Make up?

It is a process where advanced pigments are inserted into the dermal layer of the skin, which (after their second visit), should last between 1-3 years. A patch test is recommended prior to treatment in case of allergic reaction.

How long does it last?

The final results will last on average 18months – 3 years and sometimes longer. As an on-going precaution we would recommend a total sun block on the treated areas when going on sunning holidays and when using artificial tanning aids since the UVA will eventually bleach out the pigment.

Who is this treatment be suitable for?

Anyone and everyone who wants to experience the brilliance of semi-permanent make up. It can give you confidence. Permanent makeup is also ideal for people who are living with hair loss, cancer, vitiligo and scarring. It’s also popular amongst people who have sensitive or allergic reactions to normal makeup.

Does the procedure hurt?

Some clients feel no discomfort at all – others will feel minimal discomfort. Once the procedure is complete there is no discomfort whatsoever.

How long does the treatment take?

When booking your treatment the estimated time will be given, and will vary on the area or areas you are having treated. You will need to come in a second time for your top up treatment; this is anything from 4-6 weeks after your initial procedure. Pigments may be absorbed so to achieve the right result the process will need topping up.

Will there be any side effects from the treatment?

Some people experience a little swelling or redness straight after their treatment; this usually goes within 24 hours. You will notice the pigment looks darker than you expected, this is completely normal and after a few days the surface colour naturally exfoliates to leave a softer colour. After 7-14 days, the colour will lighten, which is why it is recommended to have a touch up after your initial treatment.

Can I still tweeze and/or tint my brows?

Yes. Semi-permanent make-up does not affect the hair growth or colour in any way. It only colours the skin under the hair.

What About After Care?

You will be given a comprehensive after care guide after the treatment, along with verbal and written instructions and ointment when necessary.